Writing: Rambling Glimpses of My Development

Words to the Readers of Writing With RCS 

                    We are learning to write well. Writing well is a bit different for each of use. For most of us, writing well includes being understood. I have come to believe that writing is an ongoing developmental process. In that process we often develop as much as our writing does. That development includes growth, maturation, cooking, transformation and like that. It seems to let more meaning and understanding into our lives. All this occurs whether we are aware of it or not. Sooner or later we usually do become aware that the process changes us. That awareness gives us a chance to co-opperate with it.

"Too soon old, too late smart"

                    I forget who told me that he heard an older immigrant say them. It seems to have caused them both an introspective thought or two. Looking back, I see that I was long mostly unconscious that my writing was developing me perhaps even more than I was developing it. It's a wonderous world, we can, and do improve without being aware of the sources of our growth or its source. I do now see that I was learning and coming to new understandings of my world and of myself. It is a pleasing discovery.

                    I also discovered that I very often know what I was talking about until I completed writing about it. I hesitate to add that, in an important sense, I have never come to completely come to completely know the nature of  "it."

                    So, in a sense, I have never completed writing anything. Now when I write, I know that I am clarifying my present understanding in a way I hope I can help another to understand. I have more to learn, more to put together. As I practice writing the process of  my development is enhanced.

Five Little Steps. Wait for them.......

                    I have just been looking at some notes of mine and see a little list of  five steps. I have found it useful as a way to see where I am in the process of writing a piece. I tells me about my progress. It has been a help and a comfort, but it has not provided me with details of how to write.


                    A lot of memories and thoughts are coming to mind just now, doings and happenings related to writing. A good happening to one wishing to write of writing. I am remembering that I read a lot and still read. I believe that doing so helps me to write. I did not analyze the way a work was written. I just enjoyed the content and tried to understand it.  Sometimes I just read as fast as I could so that I could "getto the good parts." 

                    I discovered "vocabulary." I enjoyed my growing vocabulary. It helped me to think better and it helped me, I thought, to better explain my understandings to others. I began to think with my wonderful vocabulary. I believed that, with it, I could make myself understood, not only to myself, but also to others.

                    I began to use my wonderful vocabulary on my on my friends and my family and to as many more as I could with my writing. I soon found that a few who found my vocabulary gratifying, but they were very few! Many, I discovered, did not know what in the world I was talking about. I was not very aware that meanings could be expressed in a variety of ways, some more appropriate to the moment than were others.

                    About this time I became a young traveler and writer of letters.I wrote mostly to my mother and my sister and used some of my wonderful vocabulary. They wrote back telling me that they loved my writing and my letters and that they laughed and laughed. I was pleased that they enjoyed my humor, but I thought that they were missing some of my descriptions of scenes I had enjoyed. Had my descriptions been boring. No, I had used my wonderful vocabulary to paint realistic pictures and to include the mood which they had evoked.

                    As I remember, I was told that the joy of these ladies of my family included rolling on the floor holding their sides from so much laughter. Their laughter, they explained, came from the nature of my very poor spelling, and from their efforts to pronounce my written version of the English language. 

                    I knew my spelling was not wonderful in any positive sense. There were reasons for the poor quality which did not include sloth,, much sloth. I had learned to read with no conscious knowledge of paragraphs, sentences, words or letters. No alphabet for me. I was read to at an early age and had opportunity to look at that which was being read, sometimes being indicated by a moving finger. Slowly I came to recognize words and their meaning and to gain some concept of sentences. I was even slower to recognize individual letters and their significance.
So I was recognizing meaning in writing before I understand the nature of individual words or letters. I did come to see that certain groupings had certain meanings and even certain ways to be said. I was nearly an adult before I recognized that letters in words had much to do with the way they were pronounced. To this day it is difficult for me to attend to letters and their ordering in words. 

                    The idea is that I came to reading with little understanding of letters, words, or their "sounding out." I thank the developers of  "spell check." My knowledge of reading contributed less than usual to my ability to spell. I neglected letters. I was not conscious of being bothered by this until I began to receive bad marks on spelling tests in the 3rd grade. Than I thought I was born a bad speller and might benefit from writing the same word over and over again.

                    The fact that there was not yet a kindergarten in the public school system, that I never entered first grade, and that I entered 2nd grade twice, and entered 3rd grade with never having completed second grade very likely contributed to my condition.

Beginning to write:

                    Forward to my days of writing. As I struggled with my spelling and wonderful vocabulary, became willing to make my writing more accessible to readers. I did not truly realize that my writing, and even a bit of my speech, had become what might be called academic and literary. What I did was to invent am imaginary brother whom I loved and respected, but who did to enjoy or even appreciate my vocabulary, and perhaps my sometime large jumps in logic. This invented person with whom I very much want to share the thoughts and meanings of my writings. I had much to share with him, much of which it was not easy for me to express.

                    I decided to use language which I was more sure that we held in common. And, also to try to write so as t be more careful to fill in all the gaps or neglected steps in my logic. (I wish I had a doctor who had the same idea.) I had much to learn, but it was an improvement in my writing. However, half a centaury later, I am still slowly learning to express a fuller meaning of that which I want to say in a language that would be clear to a reader, and to me too. I am still finding that my writing, my writing practice is helping me to have the meaning I want to express more clearly in my mind.

Internet readers:

                    The internet is a problem for me because I have been unable to get to know my readers. It has been impossible for me to imagine them accurately. Still imagining helps a bit. Feedback helps. Years ago, when I had many more readers world wide. Most of them were from the US, followed by Europe. I began to receive many comments from Eastern Europe and began to get a better concept of to whom I was writing and the nature of their interests. That knowledge and feedback helped me to write better. Then I traveled for a time and finally decided to move from the US to Colombia and from my lack of publishing I lost a great many followers. I began to get a few returning and a few new followers, and along came "Covid 19" and I lost more readers. Also it now seems that a smaller percentage of those using the www know the advantages of blogsites and I do not appreciate the present value of visuals, the I do us a number videos. So now I am down to the number of viewers I had in the 1970s and have practically no commenters so practically no feedback.

                Feedback from many blog type webesites is  a two way deal or more.

Back to the notes I was looking at:

                The list had been a sort of aid to where I was in the process in a given piece of writing. The process is divided into five parts. You may find it useful as some others have.
Here are these five steps:
1. Start writing and keep writing(its OK to stop to eat, sleep, and cogitate). Having the idea in the back of one's mind of completing the piece at hand may be helpful. 
2. Experience disorientation and chaos, and keep writing. Here too it may be useful to have near consciousness the orientation and order may return.
3. Begin to detect to detect a growing center of gravity, the development of a central theme. Continue to continue to develop and express that central theme as you continue to write.
4. Mop up. Make sure that you have written you you thought you wrote. 
5. Edit for publishing.

                    You may very well see other steps to include. I find that I may do two rewrites with rests in between, followed by another clean up.

                    Writing is an ongoing practice. Continued practice with these steps in mind has improved the writing process of others. They also can help one to be alert to where they are and what they are doing in the process of their writing. 

                    Early on the second step seem to come to me most naturally. I often pass through it quickly these days, but it still recurs and is help in sorting through what's on your mind. I think about and develop my writing as I write. I find that it is a learning process for me.

                    We writers have a ''hard row to hoe." That is to say writing is seldom easy. We not only feel compelled to think about meaning and understanding, but also topic, theme, outline, paragraph, spelling, readers, etc, etc.

                    I have learned, am learning, and I am grateful. I hope to share more with you. Looking over that which I have written here, I do not see it as complete. 
I see it as probably enough for now. The center of gravity may be weak. With another look it may seem half cooked. Right now I can see it as a fair beginning. I expect to continue the practice of writing and to keep plenty of meaning in my life. I may also experience an ongoing gratitude for my spell check app.

                    Thanks for reading. Come back anytime; the sooner the better.


I Need Feedback

I Need Your Feedback      

                I need you to tell me what you would like me to write and even how you would like me to write it. When you like that which I have written I would like you to tell me why you liked it so that I can try to produce more of that which you enjoy, find useful, or like me to write more of. I would like to try to tailor my posts and essays more to your needs, wants, and likes. What you tell me in the "comments" can be of great help.

                With your help this web site can become more usefully interactive.

               There are over a dozen associated sites which you can reach from here, some with a single click.

                You might find time to check out a couple of those sites and tell me when there is one that maybe I could make more useful or enjoyable for you.

                Thank you for your visit. Thank you for reading!


Readers of These Associated Blogsites

 Readers of these associate blogsites seem to be much like this:

                    They seem ordinary, but they are not interested in hashing over the same old stuff. Their minds are hungry.

                    Many have some college. Some have post graduate degrees. They seem to be more curious than most and to be life-long-learners. They have an urge to explore. They even learn to explore certain blogs.

                    They are often interested in some facets of science and to have imaginations which tend to be realistic. A significant number of them are interested in kinds and sorts of history. They want to get to the real story. They are interested in sociology even when they are not exactly sure of what it is. A few have considered the nature of governance. They can also be interested in new thoughts related to world affairs. Others are happily married.

                    Often they are interested in getting the back story of the news and other happenings, and often don't tell me so.

                    They believe in the importance of personal communication and find face to face communication attractive. They are often ready to learn more, to understand much more, and to be interested in meanings of some depth.

                    Health can be an important interest of theirs, both public health and personal health. They are often interesting people interested in personal development. Many love reality, reality, and clear thinking. Some find the possibilities of  interactivity of blogs interesting. An important few are willing to help me to present good content well, to correct my errors, to ask questions, to make comments on content. I appreciate them.

                    Most visitors have used several of the apps available on these blogs to make their searches, explorations, readings and viewing of essays and videos more pleasant and effective. Some find that these applications support their intuitive explorations. 

                    Some few are coming to appreciate the ease of moving back an forth from one of these associated blogs to another.

                    More and more are beginning to visit the timeline blogs. Others find a home base blog from which to explore. One may feel at home at Mago Bill, another at Dialogue With RCS and another at History With RCS because they like the pre-history there. Recently I have been beginning at the Governance blog, but I may start using the Writing With RCS site as my home-base.

                    It is my wish that you enjoy your visits. 
                   I enjoy your comments on details of content the most, these days.

                  Thank you for reading.


They know that their are truly wonders of reality.

Developmental Process

Writing is a Developmental Process 

                    It can be useful to consider the growing of your writing a developmental process. Your writing could suddenly get better, or even great, but neither is a good bet. However, when you keep writing and pay attention to the quality of that writing, you will begin to note changes occurring, some for the better. You can congratulate yourself. Consider the nature of the changes for the better and aim to accentuate the positive.

Kicked Back Writer

                    You can be relaxed enough. You can be abundantly relaxed. If you are not procrastinating, you may be relaxing just enough. If you are also writing, you are doing relaxed writing. There is no law against being a kicked back writer. Relaxed writing is often very good writing, and it is relaxing!


                    Your writing can change others and it does change you. Its a natural process. Your writing does not change alone, it also changes you, mostly for the better. As you practice your writing , as you write, your thinking changes, you come to behave differently, and to see happenings and life differently! To ripen and mature your writing, you cultivate it. This cultivating is les like high culture and more like caring for one's garden. Relaxed persistence and attention does the trick.


                    Do avoid wasting time. You can sketch in a draft roughly; you can move fast when doing so feels OK. You can let your commitment and investment feel light. doing so does take some commitment. It pays to spend enough time and effort to make this draft a kind of complete version of that which you want to express. It can turn out to seem a mess, but it is your mess and there is almost certainly some good stuff in it. don't throw it a way yet.

                Try thinking of your words as though they are able to grow. Let them grow, allow them the energy they need to grow. Send energy through through your words. Relaxed is good, but you want to do too. Give your words life  energy to continue. You are cooking. You may already know that with attention you come to to the cooking, growth, and development.

Organizing  Words

                If you see your words coming into small piles and interacting you are most likely not crazy. Bundling is happening. It is a natural doing among us humans and an efficient doing. It is very likely that you are becoming more conscious of the process of writing. Attend and you may see those words separate and form new little piles according to some organizing pattern. The small piles consolidate and shake down into their best organization. They move together again into a big pile and work until a different pattern pattern emerges. This may repeat 4 or 5 times until you are satisfied or until it feels right.

As You Grow

                Your writing has undergone changes, so have you. Some of those changes will help your future writing be better.


                Let the new idea or perception finally take shape. Let go of the old perception and your writing grow. Some of your writing will seem bad this month and this year; accept that and see also that much of your writing shows improvement. As you grow your writing grows and as your writing grows, so do you.

Keep Writing

                Start writing and keep writing through great or little disorientation and chaos on to an organizing center of gravity; then go on to wrapping up and editing. Remember that is often best to complete a paragraph or more be foe considering the major rewriting of anything. Take time to reread your writing when you are rested, calm, and relaxed. You will find stinking poop from time to time. You will also find some truly fine writing. Pay attention to it. Then I try to destroy the stinking part before anyone else can see it. It is better to use it to point you you to the best of that which you were trying to say, Doing so might lead you to some of your best writing.

                We could be beginning a process of  satisfying life-long learning, cooking, and and maturing one draft at a time. We might call it a process of development.

                Thank you for reading.



                     I am very sorry, but as you may have noticed, our comments app has been taken. I have tried restarting and reinstalling but found I was unable to regain that application in that way. So far I have found no pertinent help elsewhere.

                    I want this blog to interactive and would be very pleased to be in contact with you. You may contact me at email address:  magobil@gmail.com

                    Also the "comments" app is still available on several associate blogs.

                    When using either of these contact methods please do the following:

1) Provide the name of the blogsite your message relates to.

2) Provide the name of the specific post at the site you refer to.

3) Tell me how to respond to you.

                    I would like the opportunity to try to be responsive to your likes and interests in future posts. To that end I need to know more about your likes and interests. Specifics can be helpful.

                Thank you for reading and for your visi.


Writing Without a Teacher

               This essay has been enjoyed by many readers at our Mago Bill Blog.

               Learning to write without a teacher may be effectively done and enjoyed.

                It has been done in groups of from 5 to 17 participants. Basically, the members each commit to reading the writing of a member then to coming together with the other members to share their feelings about what they have read. 

                Hearing what others have felt as they read your works has proven a great help to improving one's writing and a powerful experience in itself.

                Its fair, and often useful, to ask questions here.

                Every member reads one specified piece of  writing of one member of the group. Then in a gathering of all the members each member tells about how she felt as she read the piece.

                This telling of feelings is done at nearly every meeting of the group.

                The bit below is about what I have learned from my experience and from Mr. Elbow. It is something that I might offer at an appropriate moment in the gathering of my group.

                On the horizon, a Final Draft 

                Once you have some writing from which it seems you can coax some coherence, you may be close to the point at which to edit and turn out a final copy.

            Take 15 minutes to make your meaning clear to yourself.

                You might let yourself consider an outline or plan.

                Sum up what you have into a genuine single assertion of what your meaning is. Not easy, but possible. Remember that your assertion must actually assert something that can be quarreled with.

                You have grown your meaning and specified it to yourself clearly. Good for you. Your efforts and good thinking will give you a good chance to do some truly powerful writing.

                Let me add that a very great deal of writing skill can be learned without a group. Even so, groups have often proven a great aid to great writing.

                As I am doing some reminding, let me remind you that this blogsite is meant to be interactive. There are connections here to other sites. Also from here you can connect to me and to other readers here.

                Thank you for reading.

                                                                            by Richard Sheehan
                                                                            for you.

Writing Makes Us Writers

                             When you want to be a writer, write. Start writing and keep writing. Your writing makes you a writer. When our object is to write we don't have to be perfect, but it is good to be good.

                        So, write something. Consider taking ten minutes to write a paragraph. Write something about what you would like to write about.

                        I used to use a timer when I wrote and found it helpful in several ways. For example, I found myself stopping to make corrections or to rewrite so often that I lost my line of thought and wasted time. So, I set my timer to ring in five minutes and did not stop for anything until I heard that ring. Then, if I felt like it I made corrections or changes. I also found that it helped to have the nature of a pararagraph somewhere near the conscious level of my mind. Neither of these doings is completely necessary. Certain doings are more important as you begin to write. Having a table and chair handy may prove helful. Pencil and paper and your glasses at hand may be a good idea. Maybe a computer with a speech to print app at hand and warmed up could make your writing flow more easily.

                    For this writing do not stop to make corrections or to edit. Just keep writing. Do not go back to read or anything. Just write. This practice can help you to accomplish writing.

                        When we are note-taking or writing a first draft it is often best not to take time for editing, improving word choice, or executing excelent  punctuation. You may write more efficiently when you complete such acts in your final draft or your penultimate one. It's OK to change your mind, but often best to express that which is on your mind at first. Which is often a more efficient way of writing. Later you can look over your writing and get a better idean of wht you were trying to get at. Seems that I have writen elsewhere recently that that we grow and develp as we write.

                        Well, did you write for five or ten minutes, relax for a while and then read what you have written. If so you can make additions and corrections as you like. Congratulations. Relax for a minute or five. You have written. You are a writer.

                        Now reread what you have written. Don't throw it away yet. You may get a surprisingly use idea from it which you can use right now or later.

                        If  you still feel like writing, do it. You can make your corrections and additions. Maybe you made a wrong meaning in a wrong word. You can double check the meanings of the words you are not completely sure of. This could be a good learning experience for you and good the the meaning and clearity of your paragraph. It could even help your reader to get that which you want her to understand or feel.

                        One changes as one writes. One's writing changes as one changes. We grow and develop as we write and our writing grows and and develops as we do so. 

                        Your most embarrasing paragraph or sentence can contain a gem or seed from great writing. Where you see the possibility for that gem or seed make a stab at bringing it out, clearifying it, or even making it shine and grow.

                    I am so old now that I am losing skill faster than I am learning. Even so, I am remember ing some past experience. After three or so of the writings were were just talkng about and if you have saved that which you have written, you'll have a pile of rubble. When you look over that rubble try not to over look seeds and gems. You are nearly sure to find words, phrases, and a sentence or two which seem important.

                    Use some careful thought and editorial discrimination to see what your words, pharses, and sentences add up to. Decide how much you believe them. Arrange them somehow so that the make sense. write some new and connecting parts if you wish.

                        We could call this your first real draft. We could also say that you have begun your career as a practiced writer. Congratulations!

                        When you feel like writing more you may find that when you keep alert to finding an "an emergent center of gravity" as you write, you may find one.

                        That emergent center may help you to more clearly see what you are writing about. Clarifying what you are writing about is often a big help. I am remembering now that at this point I sometimes found that which I thouht ought to be the beginning of a paper ought to end it and what I thought ought to end it was better as a beginning.

You can find the following as aids to finding and clearifying that center of gravity:

~ As you write you may honestly come to say, "Ah, now I see what I have been getting at." Pay attention.

~ Finish what you are writing about. Put it aside for a time. See useful implications as you look it over again.

~ See that your good idea is crap. Then see tat part of it is les crappy. Sort out the good parts from the bad. You don'thave to throw anything away. You may come to see that some of it is better than your favorite idea.

~ Your first writing may be good scaffolding fir your next writing.

~ You can find a powerful spark in a tiny digression of yours. You may keep the same elements of your work, but change the whole orientation for the better. 

~ See your work improve as you improve. See yourself improve as your work improves. 

~ As you progress in a piece of writing, be alert to an emerging focus or theme. Its OK to let your focus ortheme improve.

~ If notheing emerges in a piece you are writing, sum up thar which you have written, then sumit up again.

~ Push yourself a bit to keep getting some center of gravity or summing-up to occur. 

~ Work gradually toward moderation from extreme positions. If you feel you must be immoderate in a given case, make sure that you are being extremely honest and realistic.

~ Its fair and good to explain your position and its source.

~ Keep writing.

                    It is possible to learn a lot by helpimg others to develop their craft. That could be done in a writing group or you may do it by your suggestions or examples in the "comments" section below. Share an experience, information, or understanding. Pass it on here. You can even ask a question. You can help me by proof reading this piece and making sugestions or correcting my spelling. This is  a way to be a published writer!

                    Thank you for reading and thank you for writing.


"Spellcheck" and "comments"

                 The spellcheck and comments apps have been taken from this blog as they have been taken for my Governance With RCS blogs and other blogs of mine! My Esoteric to Exoteric has lost its spellcheck app but still has its "comments" app.

                You may use the comments app at Esoteric to Exoteric to make comments intended for any of the associated blogs from which the "comments" app has been removed. 

                Be sure begin your comment with a notice nameing the the blog and post for which the comment is intended and refers to.

                I have lost the spellcheck from a dozen blogs and have found no way to get them back. Now I have already lost about that many Comments apps!! I could really use some help! If you know of a way to finding help please tell me about. "Settings" on my dashboard no longer works to reset spellcheck. I have found no help at all from Blogspot "help" or "send feedback!"


Imagening a Final Draft

                   Review the brief reminders below.
                You may be well on your way to a solid draft.

                You have probably grown your meaning and begun to specify it to yourself. Good for you. Your thoughtful efforts are giving you a good chance to complete some powerfully effective writing. 

                You have reached the point where at it is time to consider the steps to take to complete a great draft. Now can be the time to move forward toward publishing a darn good piece. 

                Calmly consider the foll0wing suggestions:

A: Now you are likely to have written that from which you can coax some true coherence. Great! From here you can complete this draft and begin the next one.

B: Take some time to see that our main meaning is clear to you.

C: Let yourself do some growing and cooking.

D: Sum up that which you have written into a genuine assertion central to what you have to say. Perfection is not necessary, but do remember that your assertion must assert that which can be quarreled with. Done? You may be more than half way to a fine finished work.

E: You can let yourself reconsider an outline or overall plan. It may not be necessary, but it could be a useful consideration.

                You are well on your way to submitting a meaningful piece of work to publish. You can be nearly ready to put your name to a good post or essay. Congratulations!

                Keep writing.


Writing As a Developmental Process

                      Consider the your writing as a developmental process which grows and develops you.

                        Your writing could suddenly get better, or even great, but neither is a good bet. However, when you keep writing and pay some attention to the quality of that writing, you will begin to note changes occurring, some for the better.  You can congratulate yourself, consider the nature of the changes for the better, and aim to accentuate the positive.

                        You can be relaxed enough. You can be abundantly relaxed. If you are not procrastinating, you may be relaxing just enough. If you are writing, you may be doing relaxed writing. There is no law against being a kicked back writer. Relaxed writing can be very good writing.

                        Writing can be very much a natural process. Your writing doesn't just grow by itself, it also changes you, mostly for the better. As you practice your writing, as you write, you come to think differently, behave differently, and to see happenings differently. To ripen and mature your writing, you can cultivate it. Cultivating is less like high culture and more like caring for one's garden. Relaxed persistence and attention does the trick.

                         Do avoid wasting time. You can sketch in a draft roughly; you can move fast when doing so feels okay. Let your commitment and investment be light. Doing so does take some commitment. It can pay to spend enough time and effort to make this draft a kind of complete version of what you want to express. It could turn out to be a mess, but it is your mess and you could find some good stuff in it. Don't threw it away yet.

                        Treat your words as though they are able to grow. Let them grow, allow them the energy they need. Send energy through your words. Relaxed is good, but you want to do. Give your words life energy to continue. You are cooking. You may already know that with attention you come to see growth  and development.

                        If you come to see your words come into a small pile and interact, you may be mad. Most probably you are not. It is likely that you are becoming conscious of the process of writing. Attend, and you may see those words separate and form new little piles according to some energizing pattern. The small piles consolidate and shake down into their best organization. They move together together again into a big pile and work until a different pattern emerges. This may repeat 4 or 5 times until you are satisfied or until it feels right.

                        Your writing has undergone changes; so have you. Some of those changes will will help some of your future writing to be better then ever!

                        Onward. Let the new idea or perception finally take shape. Let go of the old perception and let your writing grow. Some of your writing will seem bad this month and this year; accept that and see also that much of your writing shows improvement. As you grow, it grows; and as it grows, so do you.

                        Start writing and keep writing through great disorientation and chaos and on to an organizing center of gravity; and then go on to wrapping up and editing. Remember to complete a paragraph or more before considering the rewriting of anything. Take time to reread your writing when you are rested, calm, and relaxed. You will find stinking poop. You will also find some writing of which you can be proud. Pay attention to it. For my part, I then try ro destroy the stinking part before anyone else can see it.

                        You have begun that which may become an ongoing process of learning, cooking, an maturing, one draft at a time. 

                        Thanks for reading. 







Start Writing

  For now, try this:

                Write without stopping to worry, correct, or edit. A way to better writing is practice.  A way to practice is to start writing and to keep writing for more than five minutes without stopping. You will write some phrases you will really love. You will find it hard to throw them away.

                Be ready to to throw them away because  they probably won't fit the writing you end up with. If you don't come up with a whole new focus or angle, you will probably come up with a whole new subject.

                Before you do throw away what have written do this: Read it and pick out your best three or four best sentences. Then reread them. As you do so consider improvements you might make in them. Rewrite them and save them for a while.

                                                                                                Richard Sheehan



Writing: a way to better writing is practice

 A way to practice is to start writing and to keep writing.


                For now try this: Write without stopping to worry, correct, or edit. Write for more than five minutes without stopping. You will write some phrases you will really love. You will find it hard to throw them away.

                Be ready to to throw them away because  they probably won't fit the writing you end up with. If you don't come up with a whole new focus or angle, you will probably come up with a whole new subject.

                Before you do throw away what have written do this: Read it and pick out your best three or four best sentences. Then reread them. As you do so consider improvements you might make in them. Rewrite them and save them for a while.

                Oh no! Did you already throw them away!

                                                                                                Richard Sheehan


Writing Skills

 Writing  Skills


We are born with talents.
Skills are developed and maintained with practice.
Writing is a skill.  

As an aid to improving your writing skills you can keep a free-writing diary as a practice tool. You may also find that it is a great source of writing ideas.

Keep your free-writing in a private diary, journal, or notebook. No one but you need ever read a word you put there. In that private place you can write whatever you want in any way you want to.

You are likely to be very uninterested that I have gotten much inspiration
for this post and others like it From Peter Elbow's book WRITING WITHOUT TEACHERS. 

"Free-writing" is writing without judgement or criticism. Do no editing, corrections, or rewrites. All there is to it is to do it.

Do not throw away what you have free written. You can use it to discover subjects you can enjoy writing more about.


In your notebook, journal, diary, write. Produce a finished piece of writing. Keep a topic in mind. Digressions are okay, but when you find yourself digressing in this practice bring yourself gently back to the topic.

Digression are to be honored and respected. After all they do come from your beautiful mind. 
The idea in this practice is to keep writing. Do not stop writing. Do not stop for anything but the most serious and urgent reason. 

You may say to yourself "Let's remember the topic," but do not let a little digression of yours bother you.  Do very gently practice the discipline of keeping the topic in mind as you honor and value your digressions. 

It does seem that we writers are very much about digressions. They may lead us to our best writing. Still we do not want them to keep us from finishing a piece of work. 

As an aid toward helping myself to finish a piece of work I have told myself to write down everything I can think about the topic at the moment. 

Keep Writing.

Later you can look for your digressions in you work above.  Do another writing exercise based on your digressions. Let your digressions enrich your writing. Your  digressions may give you topics that motivate the real you.
