Showing posts with label post. Show all posts
Showing posts with label post. Show all posts

Imagening a Final Draft

                   Review the brief reminders below.
                You may be well on your way to a solid draft.

                You have probably grown your meaning and begun to specify it to yourself. Good for you. Your thoughtful efforts are giving you a good chance to complete some powerfully effective writing. 

                You have reached the point where at it is time to consider the steps to take to complete a great draft. Now can be the time to move forward toward publishing a darn good piece. 

                Calmly consider the foll0wing suggestions:

A: Now you are likely to have written that from which you can coax some true coherence. Great! From here you can complete this draft and begin the next one.

B: Take some time to see that our main meaning is clear to you.

C: Let yourself do some growing and cooking.

D: Sum up that which you have written into a genuine assertion central to what you have to say. Perfection is not necessary, but do remember that your assertion must assert that which can be quarreled with. Done? You may be more than half way to a fine finished work.

E: You can let yourself reconsider an outline or overall plan. It may not be necessary, but it could be a useful consideration.

                You are well on your way to submitting a meaningful piece of work to publish. You can be nearly ready to put your name to a good post or essay. Congratulations!

                Keep writing.


Intro to Write With RCS

Write With RCS: An introduction to a writing niche 

 I have perhaps a dozen little essays on writing in the works and ideas for a few more. That seems enough to begin a little niche blog dealing with writing.

 Over the years I have had several blogs, but nearly all of them have had a mix of many topics. I have seen and believed that the better blogs nearly always have a discrete topic or niche. So, now I intend to try and have such a blog.
My present suggestion to bloggers, including myself, is to sort an present your writings into clearly defined areas. My first efforts to that end will be this blog on writing. "Writing" may not be enough of a clearly defined area. So, it seems I have a great deal of room for improvement.
This blog will deal with the practice of writing. It may become a "how to" start writing and keep writing and include suggestions for getting "unstuck." It may include how to have some useful and to go a step beyond the step beyond in collecting them. I may include a suggestion or two for completing a useful draft. I will probably post of seeing our writing as a process of self-development and growth. The posts here will be about bettering our writing.
It is beginning to sound like a "how to blog." Maybe I should call this blog, Hints For Bettering Our Writing. I say 'our' and mean 'our.' So I will appreciate your comments, suggestions, corrections, and hints for better writing because I need them. There is a "comment" window below where you can write to us. Your commenting can be anonymous, but it is better if you can identify yourself. Of course you an identify yourself with a pen name if you wish. 