Write With RCS: It Seems we can all feel stuck. It can feel so bad that one may feel like giving up. When it gets that bad you can do this:
out loud. keep talking out-loud as though some one were listening. Talk
about comparing words to meanings. Talk about cooking and growing. If
that doesn't work or you can't do it. quit.
don't mean that you should quit forever, I mean just lay your work
aside for a time. You want to write and there are actions you can take
to start you writing and keep you writing until you write something
good. You might take some time to consider what is going on with you,
Are you hungry? Is there something in your life that needs doing other
than your writing.
By the way, "talking out-loud" and the rest of that little paragraph above could prove helpful.
you have notes? Keep your notebook and a writing implement handy. You
notes can help your writing. The little essays I've posted about writing
here are not much more than my good notes. Check out the other pieces
available on this blog. They are intended to be helpful.
now you might try sitting Comfortably and completing a writing cycle.
What's a writing cycle? Its easy if you have a timer, watch, or clock. I
have a little timer I like. If you have one, set it for ten minutes.
You are about to do ten minutes of focused involved writing and then
stopping to see what it adds up to, or what it is trying to add up to.
Your focus might b your topic or theme. Your involvement might be
sincerely writing that which you feel. For perhaps a worst case example,
you might have written, "I'm stuck, stuck stuck and it sucks, sucks,
sucks!" It might not be deeply sincere, but it could be an approach to
your feelings.
complete a writing cycle start putting words and sentences on paper and
keep doing that for ten minutes. A timer is useful. No need to be much
concerned about quality yet. Try to include include something that you
know you wanted to write about. When you complete your full ten minutes,
stop for a minute and then look back over that which you have written.
Then try to write a sentence or two or even a short paragraph of what
your cycle seems to be trying to add up to. So, you are reviewing what
you have written. Good for you. When you come to a thought, feeling,
perception, image you can gather up into one sentence or assertion, do
so. Write it down.
wrote. You are writing. You are a writer. Do not be squeamish about
letting yourself write badly. You are writing. You are a writer.
your next writing project your purpose could be to cook and grow
and not take your work as a disaster to be stamped out. Keep writing.
Self-development and growth are occurring as you write. Such personal
growth and development is not a waste of time. It is a big deal, an
important happening. When you cooperate with the process it is a great
doing. Keep writing and keep growing.
might at some point try to see cooking and growing as a sort of global
task; seeing all your writing as interdependent, seeing that no parts
are complete until all parts are done, seeing that you want to get your
material to interact, seeing that the important interaction is writing
and summing up, and seeing what it means to alternately work in words
and work in meanings.
little warning; I can imagine one of us trying to do all of the above
at once and so doing experience a sudden and extended case of crossed
eyes. There are some valuable suggestions above that which may best be
considered one at a time, beginning, say, tomorrow.
what it means to see your writing as interdependent can better your
writing. No need to do it all today. Cooking and growing take time and
can be better done with your conscious cooperation.
can let your goal be good writing. Your best writing is probably
mixed-up with with your worst writing. You can find some excellent parts
in what you have written. Some of your best sounds, rhythms, and
textures, and some of your best insights may come from your most
careless writing.
purpose on a final draft and editing might be to get your meaning
straight and to use the best words you can to express that meaning.
is a reason for the "comment" page below. I love to read comments on
specific posts. I read them and try to answer each one.
Keep writing.